Usability & UX Expert CPUX-F Bildungsgutschein
Coursecode: UA1118 EN - Zertifikats Registrier-Nr. (Arbeitsagentur): 31M1220078
UA1118 Usability & UX Expert CPUX-F - UX Course with 2 Certificates
6000 "Certified Usability & User Experience Foundation Level" UX Professionals exist. Are you in?
Learn and practice all the essential fundamentals and methods for designing good usable systems with better UX in all industries.
Certified instructors - immediate LIVE answers to questions
Hands-on practice with coaching for your own project.
Price: 0,-€ with Bildungsgutschein or 4.550,- €
Example of a coffee machine with touch display
In the first part of the 2-part course, participants work through a case study on the topic of "Pizzeria" and how customers will be able to place their orders digitally in the future ...
... interviews must be conducted to analyze the needs of the users...
... interviews must be conducted to describe the users in the form of personas...
User Needs richtig verstehen und in Anforderungen transformieren
Erweiterter UT Kurs, denn hier lernst Du nicht nur Usability Testing praktisch umsetzen sondern auch Remote Testing und Experten Evaluation
Hier lernst Du mit praktischen Übungen Deine Konzepte so zu erarbeiten, dass Du entweder als Product Owner Deinem Team zeigen kannst was Du erwartest oder als Teammitglied sehr eng mit dem Programmierteam zusammen Fachanwendungen erstellst.
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
Simple examples of user interfaces that illustrate essential features of usability.
▪ Effective and less effective
▪ Efficient and less efficient
▪ Satisfactory and less satisfactory
▪ Accessible and less accessible
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
Usability testing
Inspections and user surveys
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
Practical exercise:
Practical exercise:
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
Practical exercises:
"I found the seminar very successful overall. I also liked the design of the training as remote/online training. I also liked the work with the digital whiteboard..."
"Trainer was very flexible and responded very well to the needs of the participants. - also remote very good working atmosphere"
"The overview PDF that expands on the complete HCD process and lays it out clearly - that was really helpful..."
"Questions that could be asked at any time were always answered in detail. Working through practical tasks and the practice exercises together was very helpful in preparing for the exam..."
Related courses - Usability & UX Expert CPUX-F Bildungsgutschein
Intensives Training - passend wenn es schnell gehen muss
Passt auch nebenberuflich oder wenn die Kinder in der Schule sind
Passt berufsbegleitend, nebenberuflich und für Langschläfer
Für Alle, die mit Ihrer Zeit jonglieren müssen
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