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What are the heuristics?

The term heuristics is used when one wants to describe something like a rule of thumb.

Heuristics refer to methods of nevertheless arriving at probable statements or workable solutions with limited knowledge (incomplete information) and little time. It denotes an analytical procedure in which, with limited knowledge about a system, statements are made about the system using conjectural inferences. The statements thus inferred often deviate from the optimal solution. By comparison with an optimal solution, the quality of the heuristic can be determined. ... (1)

Heuristics are often used in usability inspections to identify potential usability problems. In this article you will learn what exactly these heuristics are.

Everything Design

A heuristic is a recognized rule of thumb that helps to achieve usability. During a usability inspection, for example, one can select a list of proven heuristics and compare how far the system to be evaluated corresponds to them.

The most famous list of heuristics was written by Jakob Nielsen. This set includes 10 rules which have been summarized here at a glance.

Visibility of the system status
The interactive system should always inform users what is happening with appropriate and timely feedback

Example: After a password is changed, the application confirms, "Password changed successfully."

Conformity between the system and the real world
The interactive system should use the user's language and rather than using system-oriented terms, use words, phrases, and concepts that are familiar to the user. Follow real world conventions and provide information in a natural and logical order.

Example: the message "This page does not exist" is easier to understand than "Error 404".

User control and freedom
Users sometimes select system functions accidentally and need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through a long dialog first. The interactive system should support both undo ("Undo") and redo ("Redo") of the last user action.

Example: A file system allows the user to undo recent file deletions, moves and renames.

Consistency and standards
Users should not have to wonder if different words, situations, or activities mean the same thing. Follow platform conventions.

Example: check-in desks are usually located at the front of hotels. This consistency is consistent with customer expectations.

Error prevention
Even better than good error messages is careful design that prevents problems from occurring in the first place. Remove error-prone conditions or present the user with a confirmation option that allows them to agree to the critical action.

Example: In a message asking the user to confirm deletion of a file, the default option is "Do not delete file."

Recognize instead of remember
Minimize the demand on user memory by making objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information when moving from one part of the dialog to another. Instructions on how to use the interactive system should be visible or easily retrievable whenever necessary.

Example: In an address form, a drop-down list displays the names and codes of all 50 U.S. states so that the user does not have to remember the correct spelling.

Flexibility and efficiency of use
Accelerated use features that are not noticeable to novices can speed up interaction for expert users, so the interactive system supports both the novice and experienced user. Allow users to customize common actions.

For example, a word processing system allows inexperienced users to select functions by clicking menus; experienced users can quickly type Alt combinations such as Alt+H+K+C.

Aesthetic and minimalist design
Dialogs should not contain irrelevant or rarely needed information. Any additional information in a dialog competes with relevant information and reduces its relative visibility.

Example: A bank offers two versions of its online banking service: The full version and a more limited, less complex version for people who prefer a minimalist design - i.e., simplicity.

Help users fix errors
Error messages should be written in simple language (no technical words), state the problem precisely and suggest a constructive solution.

Example: the error message "The pickup date (12/16/2020) must not be later than the return date (12/13/2020)" is more precise than "An error has occurred".

Help and documentation
Although it is better if the interactive system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. This information should be easy to browse and not too extensive, as well as targeted to the user's task and specifically list steps to be performed.

Example: a remote control for hearing aids comes with an attractively designed 2-page quick reference guide.

Sources: UXQB Curriculum CPUX-UT 2020, Nielsen Norman Group 2020.

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